Now that things have settled, and I have found a job, my attention is focused on spending as much time as possible with friends, family, and food before we leave for North Carolina.
First on my list of things to make was Grape Nuts Pudding. I have admired the recipe for months on Saveur.com because both my dad and boyfriend are nuts for Grape Nuts. (I know that's a cheap shot, but I couldn't resist). So we went over to my dad's for his famous Asian stir fry, and I brought the pudding.
It exceeded expectation. It is light and subtle in flavor. The word delicate also comes to mind. That said its velvety texture is impressive considering the ease of preparation. The grape nut form a bottom layer that provide contrast in flavor and aesthetic, and surprisingly little in terms of texture. For me this was slightly diapointing because I love the crunch of Grape Nuts. I still love the recipe, and it is now part of a repetoire of easy faultless desserts.