Excuses, excuses, excuses: I have many as to why I've been MIA. You probably don't care. Except, my husband and I bought a house! The process was very time consuming. We close on Friday, move Memorial Day, and then it will be over.
In the meantime I've been meaning to share for a long time our sacred Monday meals. I work weird hours, my husband works weird hours, and most of the time this means that we don't often see each other. Except on Monday.
Monday are the day neither of us works. So it is the day we do our laundry, plan our week, and figure out all those things that must be decided upon together. That doesn't leave a lot of time for fun (especially my husband's definition of fun, which is the absence of activity ;o)).
One thing we always do is make a nice dinner. Most days we don't eat dinner together, so just sitting and eating together is great! Often our Monday night dinners are a little fancier and tend to include meat. Since we're picky about our meat (sustainable, grass-fed, etc.) we can't afford to eat it often. But once or twice a month we splurge and do something special.
One of my favorites is pictured. It is a one pot meal, duck legs with figs and star anise. The duck legs were seared and then braise with winter root vegetables and dried figs. Oh and star anise pod was floating in there too. Really it was delicious, and almost as wonderful as sharing an intimate meal with my husband.
And so, we've decided Monday is new Sunday, at least in our household.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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